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How Much are Homes in Pelican Landing?


How Much are Homes in Pelican Landing?

There are currently 171 properties on the market with in Pelican Landing price from about $70,000 to $3.9 million for single-family homes and condominiums. The highest priced property in Pelican Landing is a $5 million plot of land.How Much are Homes in Pelican Landing?

The median list price for Pelican Landing is about $350,000. The average selling price is about $400,000. Nearly every home in Pelican Landing is at least 1500 ft.² or more and were built between 1993 and 2013.

The average for single-family homes and condominiums is between $185,000-$1,990,000 for a five bedroom and seven bath home on a 35,000 square-foot lot. Anything lower than about $180,000 is either in foreclosure or is a serious fixer upper. The smallest home for sale is currently a two bedroom and two-bath townhome in point Creek with about 1300 ft.² of living space. The largest home is priced at $1,799,000 for a five bedroom, six bath home with four car parking garage and 7300 ft.² of living space.

The nice thing about Pelican Landing is there are so many different choices of living environments from low maintenance condominiums and coach homes to extravagant luxury estates and waterfront homes. With you’re looking for a golf course home, lakefront condo, or attached the Villa in a friendly community, you can find it at Pelican Landing.

For more information on the current homes for sale, property values, and real estate in Pelican Landing call our office anytime. We specialize in Pelican Landing homes, condominiums, and golf course views.

Expert Real Estate Professionals of Pelican Landing

Trust the best when buying or selling homes and real estate in Pelican Landing.  We focus on the various communities in Pelican Landing including but not limited to:

  • Ascot
  • Heron
  • Sanctuary
  • Cottages
  • Condos
  • Villas
  • Estates

Please give us a call, send us an email or fill out the online contact form and let us know how we can best serve your Pelican Landing real estate needs.

We look forward to speaking with you!

Jesse E. McGreevy P.A.
Realtor, Sales Associate
The Domain Group @ Downing Frye Realty
Mobile (239) 898-5329
(239) 247-5139
Voted “Best in Client Satisfaction” 2007-2013 by Gulfshore Life Magazine

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